We are playing in Erlangen on October 16, with a nice programme of pieces by Alvin Lucier, Morton Feldman, John Cage, James Tenney and Phill Niblock. Bayerischer Rundfunk will record and broadcast the concert.
Schlagwort: Morton Feldman
Phill Niblock at klub katarakt 14
We will play with Phill Niblock again! At klub katarakt on Friday, January 18.
Together with our colleagues Partitions & Resonances from Berlin we will premiere Phill’s piece A Rose in Bloom, a combination of One Large Rose and Two Blooms. We will also play Tow by Tom.

Players are Catherine Lamb, viola, Johnny Chang, violin, Morten J Olsen, vibraphone, Hannes Lingens, accordion, Mike Majkowski, double bass, Derek Shirley, cello
Robert Engelbrecht, cello, electric guitar, Jan Feddersen, evolver, electric guitar, Ignacio Fernández-Bollo, piano, electric guitar, Johann Popp, electric guitar.
We will also appear at the opening on Wednesday, January 16, together with many other performers. It will be a Parcours with lots of pieces from eight centuries, often simultaneously. We will play:
- Christian Wolff: Stones
- Robert Engelbrecht: Drohne 4
- John Cage: Music for Marcel Duchamp
- Morton Feldman: Piano Piece 1952
- Steve Reich: Pendulum Music
- Hanns Eisler: Hollywooder Liederbuch
- James Tenney: (night)
- Jan Feddersen: giration 3 (dans l’espace)
Also, we’re at it again on the Long Night on Saturday, January 19:
Ignacio Fernández-Bollo: 2550 M. ü. M. (2018)
for five side bassdrums – world premiere
With guest performer Alexandra Gramatke and under the direction of the composer.
Plus a solo performance by Moxi Beidenegl.
Plus Ujoforyt (2012) by Jan Feddersen, performed in two versions for toy piano and celesta, respectively, by Ju-Ping Song.
So come!
Nelly Boyd and BEGO at Greatest Hits Festival
We are playing at the Greatest Hits Festival at Kampnagel in Hamburg.
Friday, November 18, 18:00, K4
Nelly Boyd plays
Alvin Lucier: Criss-Cross (2013) for two electric guitars
John Cage: Four6 (1992) for any way of producing sounds
Morton Feldman: Durations 2 (1961) for cello and piano
James Tenney: (night) (1971) for percussion perhaps, or…
Players are Moxi Beidenegl, Robert Engelbrecht, Jan Feddersen, Johann Popp
Saturday, November 19, 19:30, K6
Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester plays
James Tenney: Septet for six electric guitars and bass (1981)
Players are Robert Engelbrecht, Markus Lipka, Fiona McKenzie, Johann Popp, Jim Sudmann, Geka Winkler – guitars, Stefan Link – bass, Jan Feddersen – conductor
Before and after us Ensemble Resonanz performs other works by Tenney, Pauline Oliveros and Elliot Sharp.
4 pianos

as part of the Blurred Edges festival:
May 17, 7:30 PM
Klavier Knauer, Hamburg, Germany
We will play a programme with pieces for up to 4 pianos. We are happy to have Daria Iossifova playing as a guest with us. Programme so far:
John Cage: Music for piano 53 – 68 (1956)
– Music for piano 69 – 84 (1956)
Morton Feldman: Piece for 4 pianos (1957)
– Two pianos (1957)
– Intermission 6 for one or two pianos (1953)
Jan Feddersen: company for two pianos (2011)
Robert Engelbrecht: Mimi und Bartel for two pianos (2011)