klub katarakt 13

klub katarakt is coming again and Nelly Boyd appears on the Long Night, Saturday, January 20. We will play a new piece:

Jan Feddersen: giration (basse) (2017)
for 5 electric guitars – world premiere

Players are Robert Engelbrecht, Ignacio Fernández-Bollo, Jan Feddersen, Fiona McKenzie and Johann Popp.

Robert Engelbrecht will also perform a new solo piece for baritone guitar and electronics.

extended guitars: Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester

Grafik: Heidrun Schramm, Foto: Tom Fleischhauer

Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester will play at Club!Heim im Schanzenpark, Hamburg, on Friday, October 27, at 8 PM.

On the programme:

Jan Feddersen: giration
for 6 electric guitars played with e-bows (2017, world premiere)

Robert Engelbrecht: Nephila
for 8 electric guitars, electric bass and drums (2016, rev. 2017)

for 8 electric guitars, electric bass and drums (2015)

The line-up for this concert consists of:

Guitars: Ilhan Cicek, Robert Engelbrecht, Jan Feddersen, Markus Lipka, Fiona McKenzie, Johann Popp, Jim Sudmann, Geka Winkler

Bass: Stefan Gretscher

Drums: Johann Wientjes

Live Sound: Tom Fleischhauer

Special thanks to Rückkopplung for amp support!

This concert is supported by the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien

Nelly Boyd @ ANRISS

Saturday, 20 May 2017, 6pm – Sunday, 21 May 2017, 4am                          The Nelly Boyd Quartet takes part in ANRISS @ WESTWERK

62 Musicians will transform Westwerk into a multi-coloured kaleidoscope of sounds. Running from 6pm until 4am ANRISS presents every 20 minutes new musical experiences coming from jazz, electronics, songwriting, noise, pop, free music, new music and more…

The Nelly Boyd Quartet will present a set of drones around 11pm.

LQR – Fred und Luna – Veranda Music & Pola – Hoody – Bürgermeister der Nacht –  Bechert & Co. – Treppenhaus – Schwester – Wienert, Pozdrowicz, Genchi – Felix Kubin – Steamboat Switzerland – Botschaft – Österheld, Hughes, Lückert – Nelly Boyd – Mark Boombastik – HZweiO – Anton Kaun – Anthill – Heffels – Spröde Lippen – Blenkinsop, Großkopf, Brody – Jakob Ilja –  Hadron – plastiq –  Blind

Nelly Boyd Duo & Stark bewölkt & Gene Coleman

We are pleased to have been invited by our friends of Stark Bewölkt for a concert with Gene Coleman at Hörbar on February 15, 21:30. He will play a set with Michael Maierhof and Birgit Ulher. Nelly Boyd will appear as a duo of Jan and Robert, working with (e-)bowed guitars and cello, playing a set of a droney nature.

Nelly Boyd and BEGO at Greatest Hits Festival

We are playing at the Greatest Hits Festival at Kampnagel in Hamburg.

Friday, November 18, 18:00, K4

Nelly Boyd plays

Alvin Lucier: Criss-Cross (2013) for two electric guitars

John Cage: Four6 (1992) for any way of producing sounds

Morton Feldman: Durations 2 (1961) for cello and piano

James Tenney: (night) (1971) for percussion perhaps, or…

Players are Moxi Beidenegl, Robert Engelbrecht, Jan Feddersen, Johann Popp

Saturday, November 19, 19:30, K6

Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester plays

James Tenney: Septet for six electric guitars and bass (1981)

Players are Robert Engelbrecht, Markus Lipka, Fiona McKenzie, Johann Popp, Jim Sudmann, Geka Winkler – guitars, Stefan Link – bass, Jan Feddersen – conductor

Before and after us Ensemble Resonanz performs other works by Tenney, Pauline Oliveros and Elliot Sharp.

Blurred Edges 2016:
Nelly Boyd & eddie135

Another Blurred Edges festival comes around and we will play at our old cherished venue, the Christianskirche, on Wednesday, June 8, 20:00

We are happy to have our old friends and colleagues Matthieu Philippe De l‘Isle and Adrien Kanter, a. k. a. eddie135 from Paris with us, as well as original Nelly Moxi Beidenegl, and we commissioned new pieces from them. The programme so far:

eddie135: Oscillations in space
Composition for cello, 2 oscillators, 2 guitars, and computer
Continental drift, winds, tides and migratory movements

Moxi Beidenegl: L´eterna avventura
Guitars, piano, contact microphones, voices

Jan Feddersen(N. N.)
5 electric guitars

Robert Engelbrecht: Notturno
voice, tape, instruments

In addition we will perform some unpublished songs by Christian Wolff and maybe other things, too. More info soon!

It should be an extended evening. Come and drift.

blurred edges 2016 wird gefördert von der Kulturbehörde der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg und der Hamburgischen Kulturstiftung

Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester im Westwerk

bego flyer
Design: Chris Zander, Photo: Christina Hansen

Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester will play at Westwerk, Hamburg, on Saturday, March 19, at 9 PM.

On the programme two compositions for 8 electric guitars, electric bass and drums by Robert Engelbrecht:

Architeuthis (2015) & Nephila (2016, world premiere)

The line-up for this concert consists of:

Guitars: Jann Bövers, Ilhan Cicek, Robert Engelbrecht, Jan Feddersen, Markus Lipka, Fiona McKenzie, Christian Smukal, Geka Winkler

Bass: Jetzmann

Drums: Johann Wientjes

Special thanks to Rückkopplung for amp support (once again)!

Blurred Edges Update

Unfortunately Matthieu Philippe de l’Isle cannot come to the concert on Thursday (see below) due to health reasons. So we have to delay the premiere of his piece to another time. Putain!

Still, we have a nice programme, which looks like this:

Matthias Kaul: Some Hot Bottles Coolin‘ Down (2015, world premiere) for three performers

Ignacio Fernández-Bollo: Q. K. (2015, world premiere) for organ, guitar, cello, percussion

Jan Feddersen: Slides (2015, world premiere) for three electric guitars with e-bows

Robert Engelbrecht: Nellys Boudoir (2009) version for piano, 2 electric guitars, percussion and tape


Blurred Edges 2015

We will be part again of this year’s Blurred Edges festival in Hamburg and will present an evening with premieres at the Nachtasyl im Thalia Theater: Thursday, June 18, 21:45

Guests this time are Matthias Kaul, Matthieu Philippe De l’Isle and Ignacio Fernández-Bollo.

No need to tell much about Matthias Kaul, and we are proud to play the premiere of his new piece Some Hot Bottles Coolin‘ Down – supervised by the composer himself. He will also join us on percussion in some pieces.

We are happy to play again with our old friend Matthieu from Paris, member of eddie135, Casse Gueule and Le Reveil Des Tropiques, among others. He has written a new piece especially for us: Music for bows and percussion.

Ignacio is also not unknown here, and he’s written also a new piece for us, as yet untitled, which is for organ, guitar, cello and percussion.

Jan Feddersen has also written a new piece called Slides for three electric guitars.

Robert Engelbrecht has no new piece, but we will probably play Nellys Boudoir for piano, three electric guitars, percussion and tape.

Come and listen.