
We are happy to announce that we were chosen as recipients of the grant programme Reload by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Over the next months we are going to develop an audiovisual concert installation which will take into consideration the limitations imposed on public performances and presentations due to the unpleasant circumstances these days.

We are planning to present this work over several weekends in November and December.

Nelly Boyd at klub katarakt 15

A new year and Nelly Boyd is again performing at klub katarakt at Kampnagel, Hamburg. We are taking part in the opening on January 15, where we will – together with lots of Hamburg friends and colleagues – play in all three katarakt halls simultaneously (well, sometimes).

We are also performing in the closing Long Night (January 18), playing the Hamburg premiere of Double Helix by Alvin Lucier, for four electric guitars with e-bows.

More info on the klub katarakt page.

Phill Niblock at klub katarakt 14

We will play with Phill Niblock again! At klub katarakt on Friday, January 18.

Together with our colleagues Partitions & Resonances from Berlin we will premiere Phill’s piece A Rose in Bloom, a combination of One Large Rose and Two Blooms. We will also play Tow by Tom.

©Jann Wilken

Players are Catherine Lamb, viola, Johnny Chang, violin, Morten J Olsen, vibraphone, Hannes Lingens, accordion, Mike Majkowski, double bass, Derek Shirley, cello
Robert Engelbrecht, cello, electric guitar, Jan Feddersen, evolver, electric guitar, Ignacio Fernández-Bollo, piano, electric guitar, Johann Popp, electric guitar.

We will also appear at the opening on Wednesday, January 16, together with many other performers. It will be a Parcours with lots of pieces from eight centuries, often simultaneously. We will play:

  • Christian Wolff: Stones
  • Robert Engelbrecht: Drohne 4
  • John Cage: Music for Marcel Duchamp
  • Morton Feldman: Piano Piece 1952
  • Steve Reich: Pendulum Music
  • Hanns Eisler: Hollywooder Liederbuch
  • James Tenney: (night)
  • Jan Feddersen: giration 3 (dans l’espace)

Also, we’re at it again on the Long Night on Saturday, January 19:

Ignacio Fernández-Bollo: 2550 M. ü. M. (2018)
for five side bassdrums – world premiere

With guest performer Alexandra Gramatke and under the direction of the composer.

Plus a solo performance by Moxi Beidenegl.

Plus Ujoforyt (2012) by Jan Feddersen, performed in two versions for toy piano and celesta, respectively, by Ju-Ping Song.

So come!


blurred edges – Rencontres tendances – Nelly Boyd trifft Paris


Monday, June 4, 20:00
Innenhof Kraftwerk Bille, 53°32’34.3″N 10°02’14.8“E
Kreuzung Anton-Ree-Weg/Basedowstraße/Michelsenweg

Four musicians from the contemporary experimental scene in Paris as guests of Nelly Boyd: solo and in different constellations.
Come see and hear!

Nina Garcia „Mariachi”
Solo: 1 guitar, 1 pedal, 1 amp.
You’ll probably find: feedbacks, cracklings, short circuits, impacts, harmonics, grindings noises, overflowings, notes and quasi perfect chords.

Moshé O’Grady
Harmonic Drone

Adrien Kanter und Matthieu Philippe De l‘Isle
The loving energy of punk rock and a fascination for the feeling of sound.

And of course Nelly Boyd, this time as a quartet of Moxi Beidenegl, Robert Engelbrecht, Jan Feddersen and Johann Popp.

This concert is part of the Blurred Edges festival. Blurred Edges is supported by Behörde für Kultur und Medien Hamburg and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.

With Phill Niblock in Mannheim

We will play with Phill Niblock in Mannheim.

Sunday, April 8, 8 pm
Nationaltheater Mannheim/Studio Werkhaus

Roughly two hours of music, and One Large Rose will be part of it, plus other pieces and of course films by Phill. Joining us on guitar etc. is Johann Popp.

Before the concert there will be a talk with Phill at 7 pm.

We are looking forward to playing with him again!

klub katarakt 13

klub katarakt is coming again and Nelly Boyd appears on the Long Night, Saturday, January 20. We will play a new piece:

Jan Feddersen: giration (basse) (2017)
for 5 electric guitars – world premiere

Players are Robert Engelbrecht, Ignacio Fernández-Bollo, Jan Feddersen, Fiona McKenzie and Johann Popp.

Robert Engelbrecht will also perform a new solo piece for baritone guitar and electronics.

extended guitars: Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester

Grafik: Heidrun Schramm, Foto: Tom Fleischhauer

Boyds Elektro Gitarren Orchester will play at Club!Heim im Schanzenpark, Hamburg, on Friday, October 27, at 8 PM.

On the programme:

Jan Feddersen: giration
for 6 electric guitars played with e-bows (2017, world premiere)

Robert Engelbrecht: Nephila
for 8 electric guitars, electric bass and drums (2016, rev. 2017)

for 8 electric guitars, electric bass and drums (2015)

The line-up for this concert consists of:

Guitars: Ilhan Cicek, Robert Engelbrecht, Jan Feddersen, Markus Lipka, Fiona McKenzie, Johann Popp, Jim Sudmann, Geka Winkler

Bass: Stefan Gretscher

Drums: Johann Wientjes

Live Sound: Tom Fleischhauer

Special thanks to Rückkopplung for amp support!

This concert is supported by the Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien

Scordatura Ensemble @ Blurred Edges 2017

We are happy to announce that we invited our good friends from Scordatura ensemble (Amsterdam) to perform their new Harry Partch programme Rose Petal Jam at this year’s Blurred Edges festival!

Save the date: June 7, 2017, 20:00, at the Christianskirche in Hamburg-Ottensen.

More later. In the meantime have a look at their webpage for some info about this great project.